// #pragma once // NO!, we need to include this multiple times // ---------------- (adjacent line toggles clang-format; do not modify) // clang-format off // Notes for developers: // For correct display of accented chars, always open this file from VC++.NET by // going to File/Open/File... and then clicking on the arrow next to the "Open" button // and selecting "Open as" and "Source Code (Text) Editor With encoding" /* NOTES TO TRANSLATORS: - This file's encoding: Western European (Windows) codepage 1252 - For best alignment results, set tabs to 4 characters wide when opening - Text is grouped according to its function. Related text (and text continued on multiple lines) uses the same prefix (example 1: TUTORIAL and TUTORIALHINT, example 2: WAVECLOSED, WAVECLOSEDA and WAVECLOSEDB) Things that SHOULD be translated: 1. Any text inside double quotes " ". If you want to insert an actual double quote character as part of the text, use \" 2. Please respect the original capitalization and punctuation. For example, text in all lowercase should remain lowercase and text in all capitals should remain capitals. If a phrase doesn't end with punctuation (e.g., fullstop), please don't insert punctuation in the translation. 3. If you save the file using a non-Unicode encoding, please specify which codepage you used so it can be loaded correctly. Things that SHOULD NOT be translated: 1. Anything outside double quotes. 2. Any comment that starts with // (most can be ignored, but some comments contain useful translation hints) 4. Some translatable text contains characters in the form %x (the percentage character followed by a letter). These are placeholders that will be substituted dynamically when the game runs. Comments should explain what each does. 5. Some translatable text includes graphical icons in the form \x00, they should be left as is. 6. Some translatable text includes the | character. This is a line break, and it should be preserved. 7. Some translatable text includes sequences like \x1E{ff0000}. These change the color of the text and should be preserved. 8. Some translatable text includes sequences like #FIRE#. These are substitued in the game with the key that the player has chosen for a particular action and should be preserved. */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // General language settings // ------------------------------------------------------------------ LANGUAGE_( NULL , "" ) // Leave this blank LANGUAGE_( LANGUAGENAME , "English" ) // Name of language (as is written in the language itself -- not in English) LANGUAGE_( LANGUAGEISOCODE , "en" ) // Developers only: Specify language ISO code here LANGUAGE_( LANGUAGECODEPAGE , "1252" ) // Developers only: Specify additional font resource here LANGUAGE_( LANGUAGEREADINGORDER , "LTR" ) // Developers only: Specify language reading order here LANGUAGE_( LANGUAGECOMPOSITECHARS , "Yes" ) // Developers only: Specify whether characters will be composited LANGUAGE_( THOUSANDSEPARATOR , "," ) // Character used to separate thousands in numbers (eg. "," for 1,000,000) LANGUAGE_( DECIMALSEPARATOR , "." ) // Character used to separate decimal points in numbers (eg. "." for 3.14) // Placeholders for extra strings LANGUAGE_( PLACEHOLDER0 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( PLACEHOLDER1 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( PLACEHOLDER2 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( PLACEHOLDER3 , "" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // DirectX key names // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Only common keys need to be translated, the others are optional // Note on some keyboard layouts (eg QWERTZ), some alphabet keys have different letters assigned to them // Space is rather limited, so keep translations as short as possible LANGUAGE_( DIK_NONE , "" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_UNKNOWN , "UNKNOWN" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_ESCAPE , "Esc" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_1 , "1" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_2 , "2" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_3 , "3" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_4 , "4" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_5 , "5" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_6 , "6" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_7 , "7" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_8 , "8" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_9 , "9" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_0 , "0" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MINUS , "-" ) // - on main keyboard LANGUAGE_( DIK_EQUALS , "=" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_BACK , "Backspace" ) // backspace LANGUAGE_( DIK_TAB , "Tab" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_Q , "Q" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_W , "W" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_E , "E" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_R , "R" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_T , "T" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_Y , "Y" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_U , "U" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_I , "I" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_O , "O" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_P , "P" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_LBRACKET , "[" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_RBRACKET , "]" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_RETURN , "Enter" ) // Enter on main keyboard LANGUAGE_( DIK_LCONTROL , "Ctrl" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_A , "A" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_S , "S" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_D , "D" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F , "F" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_G , "G" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_H , "H" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_J , "J" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_K , "K" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_L , "L" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_SEMICOLON , ";" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_APOSTROPHE , "'" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_GRAVE , "`" ) // accent grave LANGUAGE_( DIK_LSHIFT , "Shift" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_BACKSLASH , "\\" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_Z , "Z" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_X , "X" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_C , "C" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_V , "V" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_B , "B" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_N , "N" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_M , "M" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_COMMA , "," ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_PERIOD , "." ) // . on main keyboard LANGUAGE_( DIK_SLASH , "/" ) // / on main keyboard LANGUAGE_( DIK_RSHIFT , "Right Shift" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MULTIPLY , "*" ) // * on numeric keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_LMENU , "Alt" ) // left Alt LANGUAGE_( DIK_SPACE , "Space" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_CAPITAL , "Caps Lock" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F1 , "F1" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F2 , "F2" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F3 , "F3" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F4 , "F4" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F5 , "F5" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F6 , "F6" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F7 , "F7" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F8 , "F8" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F9 , "F9" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F10 , "F10" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMLOCK , "Num Lock" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_SCROLL , "Scroll Lock" ) // Scroll Lock LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD7 , "Num 7" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD8 , "Num 8" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD9 , "Num 9" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_SUBTRACT , "-" ) // - on numeric keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD4 , "Num 4" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD5 , "Num 5" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD6 , "Num 6" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_ADD , "+" ) // + on numeric keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD1 , "Num 1" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD2 , "Num 2" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD3 , "Num 3" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPAD0 , "Num 0" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_DECIMAL , "Num Del" ) // . on numeric keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_OEM_102 , "OEM 102" ) // < > | on UK/Germany keyboards LANGUAGE_( DIK_F11 , "F11" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F12 , "F12" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F13 , "F13" ) // (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F14 , "F14" ) // (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_F15 , "F15" ) // (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_KANA , "KANA" ) // (Japanese keyboard) LANGUAGE_( DIK_ABNT_C1 , "ABNT_C1" ) // / ? on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards LANGUAGE_( DIK_CONVERT , "CONVERT" ) // (Japanese keyboard) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NOCONVERT , "NOCONVERT" ) // (Japanese keyboard) LANGUAGE_( DIK_YEN , "F14" ) // (Japanese keyboard) LANGUAGE_( DIK_ABNT_C2 , "F15" ) // Numpad . on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPADEQUALS , "NUMPADEQUALS" ) // = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_PREVTRACK , "PREVTRACK" ) // Previous Track (DIK_CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard) LANGUAGE_( DIK_AT , "AT" ) // (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_COLON , "COLON" ) // (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_UNDERLINE , "UNDERLINE" ) // (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_KANJI , "KANJI" ) // (Japanese keyboard) LANGUAGE_( DIK_STOP , "STOP" ) // (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_AX , "AX" ) // (Japan AX) LANGUAGE_( DIK_UNLABELED , "UNLABELED" ) // (J3100) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NEXTTRACK , "NEXTTRACK" ) // Next Track LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPADENTER , "Num Enter" ) // Enter on numeric keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_RCONTROL , "Right Ctrl" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MUTE , "MUTE" ) // Mute LANGUAGE_( DIK_CALCULATOR , "CALCULATOR" ) // Calculator LANGUAGE_( DIK_PLAYPAUSE , "PLAYPAUSE" ) // Play / Pause LANGUAGE_( DIK_MEDIASTOP , "MEDIASTOP" ) // Media Stop LANGUAGE_( DIK_VOLUMEDOWN , "VOLUMEDOWN" ) // Volume - LANGUAGE_( DIK_VOLUMEUP , "VOLUMEUP" ) // Volume + LANGUAGE_( DIK_WEBHOME , "WEBHOME" ) // Web home LANGUAGE_( DIK_NUMPADCOMMA , "NUMPADCOMMA" ) // , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98) LANGUAGE_( DIK_DIVIDE , "Num /" ) // / on numeric keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_SYSRQ , "Prnt Scrn" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_RMENU , "Right Alt" ) // right Alt LANGUAGE_( DIK_PAUSE , "Pause" ) // Pause LANGUAGE_( DIK_HOME , "Home" ) // Home on arrow keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_UP , "\x05" ) // UpArrow on arrow keypad - \x05 is an up-arrow (don't translate) LANGUAGE_( DIK_PRIOR , "Page Up" ) // PgUp on arrow keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_LEFT , "\x03" ) // LeftArrow on arrow keypad - \x03 is a left-arrow (don't translate) LANGUAGE_( DIK_RIGHT , "\x04" ) // RightArrow on arrow keypad - \x04 is a right-arrow (don't translate) LANGUAGE_( DIK_END , "End" ) // End on arrow keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_DOWN , "\x06" ) // DownArrow on arrow keypad - \x06 is a down-arrow (don't translate) LANGUAGE_( DIK_NEXT , "Page Down" ) // PgDn on arrow keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_INSERT , "Insert" ) // Insert on arrow keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_DELETE , "Delete" ) // Delete on arrow keypad LANGUAGE_( DIK_LWIN , "Left Windows" ) // Left Windows key LANGUAGE_( DIK_RWIN , "RWIN" ) // Right Windows key LANGUAGE_( DIK_APPS , "Application" ) // AppMenu key LANGUAGE_( DIK_POWER , "POWER" ) // System Power LANGUAGE_( DIK_SLEEP , "SLEEP" ) // System Sleep LANGUAGE_( DIK_WAKE , "WAKE" ) // System Wake LANGUAGE_( DIK_WEBSEARCH , "WEBSEARCH" ) // Web Search LANGUAGE_( DIK_WEBFAVORITES , "WEBFAVORITES" ) // Web Favorites LANGUAGE_( DIK_WEBREFRESH , "WEBREFRESH" ) // Web Refresh LANGUAGE_( DIK_WEBSTOP , "WEBSTOP" ) // Web Stop LANGUAGE_( DIK_WEBFORWARD , "WEBFORWARD" ) // Web Forward LANGUAGE_( DIK_WEBBACK , "WEBBACK" ) // Web Back LANGUAGE_( DIK_MYCOMPUTER , "MYCOMPUTER" ) // My Computer LANGUAGE_( DIK_MAIL , "MAIL" ) // Mail LANGUAGE_( DIK_MEDIASELECT , "MEDIASELECT" ) // Media Select // Additional mapped keys LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYUP , "JOYUP" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYDOWN , "JOYDOWN" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYLEFT , "JOYLEFT" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYRIGHT , "JOYRIGHT" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON0 , "JOYBUTTON0" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON1 , "JOYBUTTON1" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON2 , "JOYBUTTON2" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON3 , "JOYBUTTON3" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON4 , "JOYBUTTON4" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON5 , "JOYBUTTON5" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON6 , "JOYBUTTON6" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON7 , "JOYBUTTON7" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON8 , "JOYBUTTON8" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON9 , "JOYBUTTON9" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON10 , "JOYBUTTON10" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON11 , "JOYBUTTON11" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON12 , "JOYBUTTON12" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON13 , "JOYBUTTON13" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON14 , "JOYBUTTON14" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON15 , "JOYBUTTON15" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON16 , "JOYBUTTON16" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON17 , "JOYBUTTON17" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON18 , "JOYBUTTON18" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON19 , "JOYBUTTON19" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON20 , "JOYBUTTON20" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON21 , "JOYBUTTON21" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON22 , "JOYBUTTON22" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON23 , "JOYBUTTON23" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON24 , "JOYBUTTON24" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON25 , "JOYBUTTON25" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON26 , "JOYBUTTON26" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON27 , "JOYBUTTON27" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON28 , "JOYBUTTON28" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON29 , "JOYBUTTON29" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON30 , "JOYBUTTON30" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_JOYBUTTON31 , "JOYBUTTON31" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSEUP , "MOUSEUP" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSEDOWN , "MOUSEDOWN" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSELEFT , "MOUSELEFT" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSERIGHT , "MOUSERIGHT" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSEBUTTON0 , "MOUSE BUTTON 0" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSEBUTTON1 , "MOUSE BUTTON 1" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSEBUTTON2 , "MOUSE BUTTON 2" ) LANGUAGE_( DIK_MOUSEBUTTON3 , "MOUSE BUTTON 3" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Country names // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Must be consecutive, and the order MUST match the one used in MenuCountry LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNONE , "not specified" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAF , "Afghanistan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAL , "Albania" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYDZ , "Algeria" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAS , "American Samoa" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAD , "Andorra" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAO , "Angola" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAI , "Anguilla" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAQ , "Antarctica" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAG , "Antigua and Barbuda" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAR , "Argentina" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAM , "Armenia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAW , "Aruba" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAU , "Australia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAT , "Austria" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAZ , "Azerbaijan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBS , "Bahamas" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBH , "Bahrain" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBD , "Bangladesh" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBB , "Barbados" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBY , "Belarus" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBE , "Belgium" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBZ , "Belize" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBJ , "Benin" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBM , "Bermuda" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBT , "Bhutan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBO , "Bolivia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBA , "Bosnia and Herzegowina" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBW , "Botswana" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBV , "Bouvet Island" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBR , "Brazil" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIO , "British Indian Ocean Territory" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBN , "Brunei Darussalam" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBG , "Bulgaria" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBF , "Burkina Faso" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYBI , "Burundi" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKH , "Cambodia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCM , "Cameroon" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCA , "Canada" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCV , "Cape Verde" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKY , "Cayman Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCF , "Central African Republic" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTD , "Chad" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCL , "Chile" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCN , "China" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCX , "Christmas Island" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCC , "Cocos Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCO , "Colombia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKM , "Comoros" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCG , "Congo" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCD , "Congo, the Democratic Republic of the" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCK , "Cook Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCR , "Costa Rica" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCI , "Cote d'Ivoire" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYHR , "Croatia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCU , "Cuba" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCY , "Cyprus" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCZ , "Czech Republic" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYDK , "Denmark" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYDJ , "Djibouti" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYDM , "Dominica" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYDO , "Dominican Republic" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTP , "East Timor" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYEC , "Ecuador" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYEG , "Egypt" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSV , "El Salvador" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGQ , "Equatorial Guinea" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYER , "Eritrea" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYEE , "Estonia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYET , "Ethiopia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYFK , "Falkland Islands / Malvinas" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYFO , "Faroe Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYFJ , "Fiji" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYFI , "Finland" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYFR , "France" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYFX , "France, Metropolitan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGF , "French Guiana" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPF , "French Polynesia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTF , "French Southern Territories" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGA , "Gabon" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGM , "Gambia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGE , "Georgia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYDE , "Germany" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGH , "Ghana" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGI , "Gibraltar" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGR , "Greece" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGL , "Greenland" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGD , "Grenada" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGP , "Guadeloupe" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGU , "Guam" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGT , "Guatemala" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGN , "Guinea" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGW , "Guinea-Bissau" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGY , "Guyana" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYHT , "Haiti" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYHM , "Heard and Mc Donald Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYVA , "Holy See / Vatican City State" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYHN , "Honduras" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYHK , "Hong Kong" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYHU , "Hungary" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIS , "Iceland" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIN , "India" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYID , "Indonesia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIR , "Iran, Islamic Republic of" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIQ , "Iraq" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIE , "Ireland" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIL , "Israel" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYIT , "Italy" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYJM , "Jamaica" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYJP , "Japan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYJO , "Jordan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKZ , "Kazakhstan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKE , "Kenya" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKI , "Kiribati" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKP , "Korea, North" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKR , "Korea, South" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKW , "Kuwait" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKG , "Kyrgyzstan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLA , "Lao People's Democratic Republic" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLV , "Latvia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLB , "Lebanon" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLS , "Lesotho" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLR , "Liberia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLY , "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLI , "Liechtenstein" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLT , "Lithuania" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLU , "Luxembourg" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMO , "Macau" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMK , "F.Y.R.O.M." ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMG , "Madagascar" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMW , "Malawi" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMY , "Malaysia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMV , "Maldives" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYML , "Mali" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMT , "Malta" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMH , "Marshall Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMQ , "Martinique" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMR , "Mauritania" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMU , "Mauritius" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYYT , "Mayotte" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMX , "Mexico" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYFM , "Micronesia, Federated States of" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMD , "Moldova, Republic of" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMC , "Monaco" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMN , "Mongolia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMS , "Montserrat" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMA , "Morocco" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMZ , "Mozambique" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMM , "Myanmar" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNA , "Namibia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNR , "Nauru" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNP , "Nepal" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNL , "Netherlands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAN , "Netherlands Antilles" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNC , "New Caledonia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNZ , "New Zealand" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNI , "Nicaragua" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNE , "Niger" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNG , "Nigeria" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNU , "Niue" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNF , "Norfolk Island" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYMP , "Northern Mariana Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYNO , "Norway" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYOM , "Oman" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPK , "Pakistan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPW , "Palau" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPA , "Panama" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPG , "Papua New Guinea" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPY , "Paraguay" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPE , "Peru" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPH , "Philippines" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPN , "Pitcairn" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPL , "Poland" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPT , "Portugal" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPR , "Puerto Rico" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYQA , "Qatar" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYRE , "Reunion" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYRO , "Romania" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYRU , "Russian Federation" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYRW , "Rwanda" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYKN , "Saint Kitts and Nevis" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLC , "Saint Lucia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYVC , "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYWS , "Samoa" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSM , "San Marino" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYST , "Sao Tome and Principe" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSA , "Saudi Arabia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSN , "Senegal" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSC , "Seychelles" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSL , "Sierra Leone" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSG , "Singapore" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSK , "Slovakia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSI , "Slovenia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSB , "Solomon Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSO , "Somalia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYZA , "South Africa" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGS , "South Georgia / South Sandwich Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYES , "Spain" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYLK , "Sri Lanka" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSH , "St. Helena" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYPM , "St. Pierre and Miquelon" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSD , "Sudan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSR , "Suriname" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSJ , "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSZ , "Swaziland" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSE , "Sweden" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYCH , "Switzerland" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYSY , "Syrian Arab Republic" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTW , "Taiwan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTJ , "Tajikistan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTZ , "Tanzania, United Republic of" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTH , "Thailand" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTG , "Togo" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTK , "Tokelau" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTO , "Tonga" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTT , "Trinidad and Tobago" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTN , "Tunisia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTR , "Turkey" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTM , "Turkmenistan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTC , "Turks and Caicos Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYTV , "Tuvalu" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYUG , "Uganda" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYUA , "Ukraine" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYAE , "United Arab Emirates" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYGB , "United Kingdom" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYUS , "United States" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYUM , "United States Minor Outlying Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYUY , "Uruguay" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYUZ , "Uzbekistan" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYVU , "Vanuatu" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYVE , "Venezuela" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYVN , "Viet Nam" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYVG , "Virgin Islands, British" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYVI , "Virgin Islands, U.S." ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYWF , "Wallis and Futuna Islands" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYEH , "Western Sahara" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYYE , "Yemen" ) //LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYYU , "Yugoslavia" ) no longer exists, split into 2: LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYRS , "Serbia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYME , "Montenegro" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYZM , "Zambia" ) LANGUAGE_( COUNTRYZW , "Zimbabwe" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Menu system // ------------------------------------------------------------------ LANGUAGE_( CONFIRM , "Are you sure?" ) LANGUAGE_( YES , "Yes" ) LANGUAGE_( NO , "No" ) LANGUAGE_( OK , "OK" ) LANGUAGE_( DONE , "Done" ) LANGUAGE_( APPLY , "Apply" ) LANGUAGE_( OFF , "Off" ) LANGUAGE_( ON , "On" ) LANGUAGE_( BACK , "\x09 Back" ) // \x09 is the '<' symbol (do not translate) LANGUAGE_( NEXT , "Next \x0A" ) // \x0A is the '>' symbol (do not translate) LANGUAGE_( CANCEL , "\x02 Cancel" ) // \x02 is the 'X' symbol (do not translate) LANGUAGE_( FINISH , "Finish" ) LANGUAGE_( HELP , "\x0D Help" ) // \x0D is the '?' symbol (do not translate) LANGUAGE_( QUIT , "\x02 Quit" ) // \x02 is the 'X' symbol (do not translate) LANGUAGE_( STARTINGDOTS , "Starting..." ) LANGUAGE_( CONNECTED , "Connected." ) LANGUAGE_( FAILED , "Failed." ) LANGUAGE_( SUCCESS , "Success." ) LANGUAGE_( DONEDOT , "Done." ) LANGUAGE_( STOP , "Stop." ) LANGUAGE_( DEMODISABLED , "This feature is only available in the full registered version!" ) LANGUAGE_( FEATURELOCKED , "This feature has not been unlocked yet" ) // Player profiles LANGUAGE_( PLAYERS , "Players" ) LANGUAGE_( CLICKTOCHANGEPLAYERS , "Click here to change players." ) LANGUAGE_( ENTERYOURNAME , "Enter your name:" ) LANGUAGE_( HELLO , "Hello, %s!" ) // %s will be substituted with the player name LANGUAGE_( ADDPLAYER , "Add" ) LANGUAGE_( DELETEPLAYER , "Delete" ) // Main menu LANGUAGE_( STARTGAME , "Save the World" ) LANGUAGE_( HIGHSCORES , "Hall of Fame" ) LANGUAGE_( OPTIONS , "Options" ) // Menu title (no dots) LANGUAGE_( OPTIONSDOTS , "Options..." ) // Button caption LANGUAGE_( WEBSITE , "Website" ) LANGUAGE_( WEBSITEHINT , "Visit official website" ) // Gameplay options LANGUAGE_( GAMEPLAY , "Gameplay" ) LANGUAGE_( ALLOWCHEATS , "Allow cheats" ) LANGUAGE_( ALLOWCHEATSHINT , "Enable in-game cheat keys" ) LANGUAGE_( TUTORIAL , "In-game help" ) LANGUAGE_( TUTORIALHINT , "Show game instructions and tips as you play" ) // Graphics options LANGUAGE_( GRAPHICS , "Graphics" ) LANGUAGE_( DETAIL , "Detail" ) LANGUAGE_( DETAILHINT , "Controls the amount of graphical detail and special effects" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMDETAIL0 , "Low" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMDETAIL1 , "High" ) LANGUAGE_( ADVANCEDOPTIONS , "Advanced Options" ) LANGUAGE_( VIDEOMODE , "Video mode" ) LANGUAGE_( VIDEOMODEHINT , "Screen resolution" ) LANGUAGE_( FULLSCREEN , "Full screen" ) LANGUAGE_( FULLSCREENHINT , "Run game full-screen or in a window" ) LANGUAGE_( LETTERBOX , "Letterbox" ) LANGUAGE_( LETTERBOXHINT , "Preserve game's original aspect ratio" ) LANGUAGE_( VSYNC , "V-Sync" ) LANGUAGE_( VSYNCHINT , "Use vertical sync for slower but smoother display" ) LANGUAGE_( MAXIMUMFPS , "Maximum fps" ) LANGUAGE_( MAXIMUMFPSHINT , "Limits the number of frames rendered per second" ) LANGUAGE_( BILINEARFILTER , "Bilinear filter" ) LANGUAGE_( BILINEARFILTERHINT , "Enable bilinear texture filtering" ) LANGUAGE_( SHOWFPS , "Show fps" ) LANGUAGE_( SHOWFPSHINT , "Shows on-screen frame rate counter" ) // Sound options LANGUAGE_( SOUND , "Sound" ) LANGUAGE_( SOUNDQUALITY , "Audio quality" ) LANGUAGE_( SOUNDQUALITYHINT , "Overall sound quality (requires restart)" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSOUNDQUALITY0 , "Low" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSOUNDQUALITY1 , "High" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSOUNDQUALITY2 , "Very high" ) LANGUAGE_( SOUNDVOLUME , "Sound volume" ) LANGUAGE_( MUSICVOLUME , "Music volume" ) LANGUAGE_( INGAMEMUSIC , "In-game music" ) LANGUAGE_( INGAMEMUSICHINT , "Enables music while you're playing" ) LANGUAGE_( MUTEAUDIO , "Mute audio" ) LANGUAGE_( MUTEAUDIOHINT , "Completely silences all sounds and music" ) // Controls options LANGUAGE_( CONTROLS , "Controls" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSHINT , "Press the new key or joystick button for this control" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSUP , "Move up" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSDOWN , "Move down" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSLEFT , "Move left" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSRIGHT , "Move right" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSFIRE , "Fire" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSALTFIRE , "Missile" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSCHAT , "In-game chat" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSINGAMEMENU , "In-game menu" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSINGAMEMENUHINT , "Bring up menu while playing (can't be changed)" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSSWAPMOUSE , "Swap mouse buttons" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSSWAPMOUSEHINT , "Swap the function of the left and right mouse buttons" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLS0 , "Player Controls" ) // Menu title LANGUAGE_( CONTROLS0DOTS , "Player controls..." ) // Button caption LANGUAGE_( CONTROLS1 , "Player 1 Controls" ) // Menu title LANGUAGE_( CONTROLS1DOTS , "Player 1 controls..." ) // Button caption LANGUAGE_( CONTROLS2 , "Player 2 Controls" ) // Menu title LANGUAGE_( CONTROLS2DOTS , "Player 2 controls..." ) // Button caption LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSEMERGENCY , "Emergency stop" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSEMERGENCYHINT , "Immediately stops any game in progress (can't be changed)" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSEMERGENCYCOMBO , "Ctrl-Alt-X" ) LANGUAGE_( SENSITIVITY , "Sensitivity" ) LANGUAGE_( SENSITIVITYHINT , "Selects the sensitivity of spaceship controls" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSENSITIVITY0 , "Minimum" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSENSITIVITY1 , "Low" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSENSITIVITY2 , "Medium" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSENSITIVITY3 , "High" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMSENSITIVITY4 , "Maximum" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLSMOUSEBUTTONSHINT , "Select which mouse button to use" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMCONTROLSMOUSEBUTTON0 , "Left-click" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMCONTROLSMOUSEBUTTON1 , "Right-click" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMCONTROLSMOUSEBUTTON2 , "Middle-click" ) LANGUAGE_( JOYSTICKDEADZONE , "Dead zone" ) // Input devices LANGUAGE_( DEVICE_KEYBOARD , "Keyboard" ) LANGUAGE_( DEVICE_MOUSE , "Mouse" ) LANGUAGE_( DEVICE_JOYSTICK , "Joystick" ) LANGUAGE_( DEVICE_GAMEPAD , "Gamepad" ) LANGUAGE_( DEVICE_TOUCHSCREEN , "Touchscreen" ) // Language options LANGUAGE_( CHANGELANGUAGE , "Language" ) LANGUAGE_( CHANGELANGUAGETEXT , "Please restart the game|and select your new language." ) // Start game menu LANGUAGE_( LOCALGAME , "Fly solo" ) LANGUAGE_( LOCALGAMETEXT , "Save the world single-handedly? You're the greatest!" ) LANGUAGE_( DOUBLEGAME , "Fly with a wingman" ) LANGUAGE_( DOUBLEGAMETEXT , "Two-player game on the same computer." ) LANGUAGE_( LANGAME , "In-house multiplayer" ) LANGUAGE_( LANGAMETEXT , "Play with other people in your Local Area Network (LAN)." ) LANGUAGE_( INTERNETPRIVATEGAME , "Friends multiplayer" ) LANGUAGE_( INTERNETPRIVATEGAMETEXT , "Play with your friends over the Internet." ) LANGUAGE_( INTERNETGAME , "Internet multiplayer" ) LANGUAGE_( INTERNETGAMETEXT , "Play with random people over the Internet." ) LANGUAGE_( PLAYBACKGAME , "Playback" ) LANGUAGE_( PLAYBACKGAMETEXT , "Play back a previously recorded game." ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMNETCONNECTIONTYPE0 , "Dial-up (56k)" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMNETCONNECTIONTYPE1 , "ISDN" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMNETCONNECTIONTYPE2 , "Cable/ADSL" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMNETCONNECTIONTYPE3 , "T1/LAN" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMNETRANGE0 , "Short" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMNETRANGE1 , "Medium" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMNETRANGE2 , "Long" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMDIFFICULTY0 , "Rookie" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMDIFFICULTY1 , "Veteran" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMDIFFICULTY2 , "Superstar Hero" ) LANGUAGE_( DIFFICULTY0HINT , "Suitable for newcomers fresh out of heroes academy" ) LANGUAGE_( DIFFICULTY1HINT , "Only recommended for experienced chicken hunters" ) LANGUAGE_( DIFFICULTY2HINT , "\"I eat chickens for breakfast!\"" ) // Network wizard LANGUAGE_( NETWORKWIZARD , "Network Wizard" ) // Menu title LANGUAGE_( NETWORKWIZARDDOTS , "Network Wizard..." ) // Button caption LANGUAGE_( NETTESTINTRO1 , "This wizard will help you set up your network." ) LANGUAGE_( NETTESTINTRO2 , "Your internet connection will now be tested." ) LANGUAGE_( NETTESTINTRO3 , "If your firewall asks," ) LANGUAGE_( NETTESTINTRO4 , "please allow access to the internet." ) LANGUAGE_( RUNTESTONDESKTOP , "Run test on desktop" ) LANGUAGE_( RUNTESTONDESKTOPHINT , "Run the game in a window for the duration of the test (recommended)" ) LANGUAGE_( NETTESTSUCCESS , "Connection test was successful." ) LANGUAGE_( NETTESTFAIL1 , "You can continue, but some network features will be unavailable." ) LANGUAGE_( FPSTESTTITLE , "Speed Test" ) LANGUAGE_( FPSTESTINTRO1 , "Your computer speed is now being measured." ) LANGUAGE_( FPSTESTINTRO2 , "Please wait..." ) LANGUAGE_( FPSTESTRESULT , "Average frames per second: %.1lf" ) // %.1lf will be substituted with numeric value LANGUAGE_( FPSTESTFAIL1 , "Your computer isn't fast enough to support network games." ) LANGUAGE_( FPSTESTFAIL2 , "You need at least %.0lf frames per second." ) // %.1lf will be substituted with numeric value LANGUAGE_( NETCONFIGTITLE , "Network Configuration" ) LANGUAGE_( AUTHORIZATIONCODE , "Authorization code" ) LANGUAGE_( AUTHORIZATIONCODEHINT , "Type in your authorization code here" ) LANGUAGE_( SELECTYOURCOUNTRY , "Your country" ) LANGUAGE_( SELECTYOURCOUNTRYHINT , "Tip: Press a letter key to jump directly to a country" ) LANGUAGE_( NETCONFIGCONNECTION , "Internet connection:" ) LANGUAGE_( NETCONFIGCONNECTIONHINT , "How do you connect to the internet?" ) LANGUAGE_( NETCONFIGMAXPLAYERS , "Max Players:" ) LANGUAGE_( NETCONFIGMAXPLAYERSHINT , "Maximum players for network games" ) LANGUAGE_( WORLDMAPHINT1 , "To optimize your network experience," ) LANGUAGE_( WORLDMAPHINT2 , "click on the map to adjust your current location" ) LANGUAGE_( CHECKCONNECTION , "Please check your internet connection and try again." ) // High scores LANGUAGE_( HIGHSCOREOPTIONSDOTS , "More options..." ) // Button caption LANGUAGE_( HIGHSCOREOPTIONS , "More options" ) // Menu title (no dots) LANGUAGE_( UPLOADSCORES , "Upload scores" ) LANGUAGE_( UPLOADSCORESHINT , "Add your scores to the internet high score tables" ) LANGUAGE_( UPLOADCAREER , "Upload career" ) LANGUAGE_( UPLOADCAREERHINT , "Add your career to the world-wide careers" ) LANGUAGE_( UPLOADTEXT1 , "Your data will now be uploaded" ) LANGUAGE_( UPLOADTEXT2 , "to the InterAction Studios website." ) LANGUAGE_( UPLOADTEXT3 , "Please connect to the internet before proceeding." ) LANGUAGE_( FAILEDWITHCODE , "Failed with status code: %d" ) // %d will be substituted with error code LANGUAGE_( WORLDWIDESCORES , "World-wide scores" ) LANGUAGE_( WORLDWIDESCORESHINT , "View world-wide tables (the game will close)" ) LANGUAGE_( WORLDWIDECAREERS , "World-wide careers" ) LANGUAGE_( WORLDWIDECAREERSHINT , "View world-wide tables (the game will close)" ) LANGUAGE_( RESETSCORES , "Reset scores" ) LANGUAGE_( RESETSCORESHINT , "Clears all high scores" ) LANGUAGE_( HIGHSCOREWON , "WIN") // Displayed in the wave column of the high score table if player won game // Help LANGUAGE_( HELPTITLE , "Help" ) LANGUAGE_( DOCUMENTATION , "Documentation" ) LANGUAGE_( DOCUMENTATIONHINT , "Browse the game documentation (the game will close)" ) LANGUAGE_( ONLINEHELP , "On-line help" ) LANGUAGE_( ONLINEHELPHINT , "Help on InterAction studios website (the game will close)" ) // Error report LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTTITLE , "Error Reporting" ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTINTRO1 , "An error report has been found on your computer." ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTINTRO2 , "Please help us to improve the game" ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTINTRO3 , "by submitting your report automatically!" ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTWIZARD1 , "Before your error can be reported," ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTWIZARD2 , "you'll need to run the network wizard first." ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTUPLOADING , "Uploading error data (%s bytes)." ) // %s will be substituted with the byte count LANGUAGE_( ERRORREPORTPLEASEWAIT , "Please wait..." ) // Network game LANGUAGE_( ERRORSERVERISFULL , "Server is full." ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORINCOMPATIBLEGAME , "Incompatible game." ) LANGUAGE_( ERRORMINVERSIONCLIENT , "You need at least version %s of the game (you have %.2lf)." ) // %s and %.2lf will be substituted with version numbers LANGUAGE_( ERRORMINVERSIONSERVER , "Server must be at least version %s of the game (it's %.2lf)." ) // %s and %.2lf will be substituted with version numbers LANGUAGE_( CONNECTEDTO , "Connected to %s" ) // %s will be substituted with network address LANGUAGE_( DISCONNECTEDFROM , "Disconnected from %s" ) // %s will be substituted with network address LANGUAGE_( QUITDISCONNECTED , "Disconnected from server." ) LANGUAGE_( QUITUSERQUIT , "User requested exit." ) LANGUAGE_( QUITGAMEOVER , "Game over." ) LANGUAGE_( QUITPLAYBACKFINISHED , "Playback finished." ) LANGUAGE_( QUITEMERGENCY , "Emergency exit requested." ) LANGUAGE_( QUITUNKNOWN , "Quit for an unknown reason." ) LANGUAGE_( PLAYERJOINED , "Player '%s' joined." ) // %s will be substituted with the player name LANGUAGE_( PLAYERLEFT , "Player '%s' has left the game." ) // %s will be substituted with the player name LANGUAGE_( INVITINGPLAYERS , "Inviting more players..." ) // Network game options LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSTITLE , "Game Settings" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSDIFFICULTY , "Difficulty:" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSDIFFICULTYHINT , "(only affects games hosted on your computer)" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSKEYWORD , "Game keyword" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSKEYWORDHINT , "All participants should enter the same keyword" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSRANGE , "Search range:" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSRANGEHINT , "How far away should we search for games?" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSDONOTMATCH , "Ignore ongoing games" ) LANGUAGE_( NETOPTIONSDONOTMATCHHINT , "Ignore other people's games and start your own (not recommended)" ) LANGUAGE_( TRYAGAIN , "Try again" ) LANGUAGE_( STARTANYWAY , "Start anyway" ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERRECEIVEDERROR , "Received error: %s" ) // %s will be substituted with error LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERMATCHEDWITH , "Matched with: %s" ) // %s will be substituted with network address LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERREGISTERING , "Registering..." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERREGISTRATIONOK , "Successful registration!" ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERLOCALHOST , "Game will be hosted on this computer." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERREMOTEHOST , "Game is hosted remotely." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERWAITINGFORMATCH , "Waiting for match..." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERWAITINGFORREMOTE , "Waiting for remote client..." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERCREATELOCAL , "Creating local client..." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERWAITLOCALCONNECT , "Waiting for our local client to connect..." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERPLAY , "Play!" ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERATTEMPTNORESPONSE , "Attempt %d: No response." ) // %d will be substituted with the attempt number LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERRUNWIZARD , "Try running the network wizard again." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERNOGAMES1 , "No suitable games found." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERNOGAMES2 , "You can either wait here for another player," ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERNOGAMES3 , "or start playing anyway and be joined later." ) LANGUAGE_( NETMANAGERCREATESERVER , "No replies. Creating server..." ) LANGUAGE_( NETGAMESUNAVAILABLE , "Internet games are not available.|Please run the Network Wizard|for a status update." ) // Solo mission menu LANGUAGE_( SOLOTITLE , "Solo Game" ) LANGUAGE_( SOLOCONTINUEGAME , "Continue mission" ) LANGUAGE_( SOLOCONTINUEGAMEHINT1 , "Continue your game from where you left off." ) LANGUAGE_( SOLOCONTINUEGAMEHINT2 , "Start at last visited star system." ) LANGUAGE_( SOLOCONTINUEGAMEHINTDISABLED, "You don't have a saved mission yet." ) LANGUAGE_( SOLONEWGAME , "Start new mission" ) LANGUAGE_( SOLONEWGAMEHINT1 , "WARNING: Any existing progress will be lost!" ) LANGUAGE_( SOLONEWGAMEHINT2 , "Select mission difficulty:" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Introduction/ending // ------------------------------------------------------------------ LANGUAGE_( IAPRESENTS , "InterAction studios presents" ) LANGUAGE_( IAPRESENTED , "InterAction studios presented" ) LANGUAGE_( THEEND , "THE END" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO11 , "Episode III" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO21 , "Chickens." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO22 , "For centuries we have oppressed them," ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO23 , "grilling, roasting, stewing, and stuffing them in buns." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO24 , "We should have known the time would come for us to pay." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO25 , "And it did." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO31 , "Intergalactic chickens invaded Earth, seeking revenge" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO32 , "for the oppression of their earthly brethren." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO33 , "They came out of nowhere, and everywhere." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO34 , "It was only you who managed to repel the invasion," ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO35 , "and saved humanity from an eternity of servitude." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO41 , "Then, things got serious." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO42 , "The intergalactic chickens assaulted the solar system" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO43 , "and tried to make sure that every planet" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO44 , "was inhabited exclusively by chickens." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO45 , "Yet again, it was you who took the world's fate" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO46 , "in your ketchup-stained hands and saved the day." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO51 , "But it isn't over yet." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO52 , "Once more, it's time to don your" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO53 , "non-stick egg-repulsing helmet" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO54 , "and fight for our ancestral right to omelettes." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO61 , "Only you can make a difference." ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO62 , "Will you succeed?" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO63 , "Will the future of chicken burgers be secure?" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO64 , "Or will you end up as part of the menu" ) LANGUAGE_( INTRO65 , "in a galactic chicken restaurant?" ) LANGUAGE_( MYCAREER , "My career" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALS , "Medals" ) LANGUAGE_( CAREERMEDALS , "Career Medals" ) LANGUAGE_( STATISTICS , "Statistics" ) LANGUAGE_( CAREERSTATISTICS , "Career Statistics" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLES , "Unlockables" ) LANGUAGE_( CAREERUNLOCKABLES , "Career Unlockables" ) // Career unlockables LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEDIFFICULTY2 , "Superstar hero difficulty" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEDIFFICULTY2HINT , "Allow selection of the most difficult setting" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEDAMAGEINDICATOR , "Damage indicator" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEDAMAGEINDICATORHINT , "Shows damage inflicted to your enemies" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEPOINTSINDICATOR , "Points indicator" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEPOINTSINDICATORHINT , "Shows points awarded to player" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEPROGRESSINDICATOR , "Progress indicator" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEPROGRESSINDICATORHINT , "Shows % damage done for each wave" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEFORKWEAPON , "Secret weapon" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEFORKWEAPONHINT , "Allows use of the super-secret fork weapon" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEALTERNATIVESUPER , "Super-secret mine bombs" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEALTERNATIVESUPERHINT , "Launches super-secret mine bombs instead of missiles" ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEREDHERRING , "Clupea harengus (red)" ) // This option doesn't do anything. // It's a wordplay on the English expression "red herring", meaning something misleading or unattainable // It doesn't need to be translated literally. LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLEREDHERRINGHINT , "Nobody knows what this ultra-hyper-super-secret device can do" ) // Career statistics LANGUAGE_( STATSCORE , "Career score" ) LANGUAGE_( STATPLAYTIME , "Flight time" ) LANGUAGE_( STATMISSIONSFLOWN , "Missions flown" ) LANGUAGE_( STATMISSIONSCOMPLETED , "Missions completed" ) LANGUAGE_( STATMISSILESFIRED , "Missiles fired" ) LANGUAGE_( STATLIVESLOST , "Lives lost" ) LANGUAGE_( STATSHOTACCURACY , "Shot accuracy" ) LANGUAGE_( STATPOWERUPSCOLLECTED , "Powerups collected" ) LANGUAGE_( STATFOODCOLLECTED , "Food collected" ) LANGUAGE_( STATCOINSCOLLECTED , "Coins collected" ) LANGUAGE_( STATKILLRATIO , "Kill ratio" ) // Career medal names // Must be consecutive! LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE30MULTIKILL , "Medal of Annihilation" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE90COINS , "Distinguished Green Greed Cross" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE90ACCURACY , "Meritorious Marksmanship Award" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE90FOOD , "Medal of Great Appetite Achievement" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANET90KILLRATIO , "Chicken Hunter Medal of Excellence" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANETNODEATHS , "Hard-Boiled Certificate of Merit" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANETNOMISSILES , "Recognition Medal of Self-Restraint" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANETNOPOWERUPS , "Honourable \"Either Brave or Stupid\" Achievement Award" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALGAMENOMISSILES , "Superior Budget Thriftiness Commendation Medal" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALGAMENODEATHS , "Greatest Chicken Hunter of All Time Award" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWINDIFFICULTY0 , "Rookie Hero Campaign Trophy" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWINDIFFICULTY1 , "Veteran Chicken Hunter Campaign Trophy" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWINDIFFICULTY2 , "\"I Eat Chickens for Breakfast\" Campaign Trophy" ) // Career medal descriptions // Must be consecutive! LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE30MULTIKILLHINT , "Awarded for performing a multikill of 30 or more enemies" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE90COINSHINT , "Awarded for 90% coin collection in a single wave" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE90ACCURACYHINT , "Awarded for 90% shot accuracy in a single wave" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWAVE90FOODHINT , "Awarded for 90% food collection in a single wave" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANET90KILLRATIOHINT , "Awarded for 90% kill ratio in a single star system" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANETNODEATHSHINT , "Awarded for no deaths in a single star system" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANETNOMISSILESHINT , "Awarded for not using any missiles in a single star system" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALPLANETNOPOWERUPSHINT , "Awarded for not using any power-ups in a single star system" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALGAMENOMISSILESHINT , "Awarded for completing an entire mission without using any missiles" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALGAMENODEATHSHINT , "Awarded for completing an entire mission without dying once" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWINDIFFICULTY0HINT , "Awarded for completing a mission on the rookie difficulty level" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWINDIFFICULTY1HINT , "Awarded for completing a mission on the veteran difficulty level" ) LANGUAGE_( MEDALWINDIFFICULTY2HINT , "Awarded for completing a mission on the superstar hero difficulty level" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Credits // ------------------------------------------------------------------ LANGUAGE_( CHICKENINVADERS , "Chicken Invaders" ) LANGUAGE_( REVENGEOFTHEYOLKCAPS , "REVENGE OF THE YOLK" ) // All caps. Do not translate. LANGUAGE_( COPYRIGHT , "©2006-2021 Konstantinos Prouskas and InterAction studios" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS , "Credits" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS1A1 , "Game Design," ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS1A2 , "Programming," ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS1A3 , "and Artwork" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS1B , "Konstantinos Prouskas" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS2A , "Music" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS2B1 , "2dB Music Production" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS2B2 , "Mike Watts, Encore Music" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS3A , "Research" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS3B , "Jan Van Billy" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS4A , "Logistics" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS4B , "Bella Smerniotou" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS5A , "Localization" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS5B1 , "Eva Olive (Español)" ) // Localization language is spelled in language itself (and not English) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS5B2 , "David Ortmann (Deutsch)" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS5B3 , "Michaël Rubin (Français)" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS5B4 , "Aldo Spada (Italiano)" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS5B5 , "--" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS6A , "Special Thanks" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS6B , "Michael Huang" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10A , "Quality Assurance" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B1 , "Gerardo Adesso" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B2 , "Francesco Beccari" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B3 , "Deborah Blake" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B4 , "Benny Blue" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B5 , "Jason Blue" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B6 , "Andrew Burton" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B7 , "Dedi Cohen" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B8 , "Michael English" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B9 , "Eric Fisk" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B10 , "Christie Fisk" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B11 , "Gerson Samuel Fuchs" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B12 , "Ori Gil" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B13 , "Alexander Hamilton" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B14 , "June E. Hawkins-Brown" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B15 , "Tim Ikabu" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B16 , "Nemanja Jovanovic" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B17 , "Kelly Kovar" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B18 , "Jack Kovar" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B19 , "Adam Martinez" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B20 , "James Mignone" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B21 , "Jesse Mills" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B22 , "Steve Mortlock" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B23 , "Anna Navarro" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B24 , "Brandon Nuckel" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B25 , "Roger Ong" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B26 , "David Ortmann" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B27 , "Soeren Ovesen" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B28 , "Brad Pike" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B29 , "Ray Porter" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B30 , "Dave Pyatt" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B31 , "Jordan Pyatt" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B32 , "Louise Pyatt" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B33 , "Jonah Saltzman" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B34 , "Diogo Santos" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B35 , "Jonathan Saville" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B36 , "Kat Shank" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B37 , "Sandy Tisdall-Tait" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B38 , "Trent Tait" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B39 , "Krishn Mohan Tripathi" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B40 , "Bearton de Vear" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B41 , "Noa Weisbrot" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B42 , "John Young" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B43 , "Donna Young" ) LANGUAGE_( CREDITS10B44 , "Patrick Young" ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Game Proper // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Placeholder strings to maintain network compatibility in case strings // get inserted in the file before this location. LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER0 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER1 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER2 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER3 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER4 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER5 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER6 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER7 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER8 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDER9 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERA , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERB , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERC , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERD , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERE , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERF , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERG , "" ) LANGUAGE_( NETPLACEHOLDERH , "" ) // Network area headings (network games only) LANGUAGE_( SCORE , "Score" ) LANGUAGE_( LIVES , "Lives" ) LANGUAGE_( PING , "Ping" ) // Star system names // Must be consecutive LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME0 , "Prologue" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME1 , "The Great Unknown" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME2 , "Cygnus Galactic Arm" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME3 , "Perseus Galactic Arm" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME4 , "Norma Galactic Arm" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME5 , "Comet Chase" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME6 , "Scutum-Crux Galactic Arm" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME7 , "Sagittarius Galactic Arm" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME8 , "Orion Galactic Arm" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME9 , "Sirius" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME10 , "Meteor Storm" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME11 , "Alpha Centauri" ) LANGUAGE_( PLANETNAME12 , "The Solar System" ) // Weapon names // Must be consecutive // These appear at the top-left of the screen. // Space is very limited, so keep translations short LANGUAGE_( WEAPONNAME0 , "Ion Blaster" ) LANGUAGE_( WEAPONNAME1 , "Neutron Gun" ) LANGUAGE_( WEAPONNAME2 , "Laser Cannon" ) LANGUAGE_( WEAPONNAME3 , "Vulcan Chaingun" ) LANGUAGE_( WEAPONNAME4 , "Lightning Frier" ) LANGUAGE_( WEAPONNAME5 , "Plasma Rifle" ) LANGUAGE_( WEAPONNAME6 , "Utensil Poker" ) // All bonuses MUST be consecutive // These appear at the top-left of the screen, underneath the score area. // Space is very limited, so keep translations short LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME0 , "Pecking order" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME1 , "Extra life!" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME2 , "Extra missile!" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME3 , "Max power!" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME4 , "Weapon switch" ) // Never used (weapon name is displayed instead) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME5 , "Firepower" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME6 , "Multi-kill" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME7 , "Charity" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME8 , "Super size me!" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME9 , "Clean sweep" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME10 , "Early bird" ) LANGUAGE_( BONUSNAME11 , "Career medals awarded" ) LANGUAGE_( DANGERZONE , "DANGER ZONE!" ) // Must be all caps LANGUAGE_( SAFEZONE , "SAFE ZONE" ) // Must be all caps LANGUAGE_( OVERHEAT , "OVERHEAT!" ) // Must be all caps LANGUAGE_( PAUSED , "Paused" ) LANGUAGE_( RESUME , "Resume game" ) LANGUAGE_( RESUMEHINT , "Continue playing" ) LANGUAGE_( QUITGAME , "Quit game" ) LANGUAGE_( QUITGAMEHINT , "Leave current game (your progress is saved)" ) LANGUAGE_( SENDCHATMESSAGE , "Send chat message:" ) // Cutscenes LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEARRIVINGATSOL1 , "At last!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEARRIVINGATSOL2 , "We've made it back|to our Solar System!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEARRIVINGATSOL3 , "I wonder if anyone missed us..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD1 , "Ah, the fond memories..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD2 , "Those were the days..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD3 , "Are you through reminiscing?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD4 , "We have a world to save!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD5 , "Right, right..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD6 , "You have to admit, though,|I was especially impressive|in that adventure..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD7 , "Guns blazing,|feathers flying everywhere..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEBILLBOARD8 , "Woo-hoo!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS1 , "What was that?!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS2 , "Those were ultra-celeritas comets!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS3 , "They travel faster than light!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS4 , "Are you just making this up?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS5 , "..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS6 , "Hey, I just got an idea!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS7 , "Uh-oh!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS8 , "We can use those comets|to boost your speed!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS9 , "Fly close to them and you'll be|pulled along for the ride!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS10 , "We'll reach the Solar System|much faster this way!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS11 , "Are you sure|about this?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS12 , "Naturally!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS13 , "Of course,|it's also highly dangerous and|it'll probably get you killed..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS14 , "What?!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS15 , "Oh, nothing...|What could possibly go wrong!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS16 , "Now go!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENECOMETS17 , "Well, OK,|if you say so..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE1 , "What?!|We're being overtaken!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE2 , "Warp 9,|Mr. Zulu!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE3 , "It's too dangerous, captain Jirk!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE4 , "Warp 5 then, Spotty!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE5 , "She can't take|much more of this,|captain!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE6 , "Impulse, then,|doctor McPloy?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE7 , "It's dead, captain!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEENTERPRISE8 , "Right, that's it!|Everyone get out|and push!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR1 , "Wait!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR2 , "Come back!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR3 , "What now?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR4 , "Where do you think you're going?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR5 , "Well, I'm starving,|and I thought I'd just..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR6 , "No, no, no!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR7 , "There's no time!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR8 , "Important heroic mission|to save the world, remember?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR9 , "Mankind's last hope etc..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR10 , "Grmbl, grmbl..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEFOODDETOUR11 , "OK, fine!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO1X1 , "Our galaxy, the Milky Way..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO1X2 , "Our home, the Solar System..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO1X3 , "Here!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X1 , "As we rejoin our story" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X2 , "Your last battle against|the chickens has been won" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X3 , "And the victory spoils|still linger in the air" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X4 , "Earth is safe once more..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X5 , "...and our hero is looking forward|to his reward..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X6 , "Yum...|double chicken-burger|with extra cheese...|and pickles!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X7 , "But wait!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X8 , "Did you see that?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X9 , "There, behind the sun!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X10 , "You should go and check it out!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X11 , "But I haven't had|my lunch yet!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X12 , "Go NOW!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO2X13 , "OK, OK..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO3X1 , "What's this?!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO3X2 , "It's... it's..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO3X3 , "The Yolk-Star™!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO3X4 , "The chickens have been secretly|constructing it behind the sun!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO3X5 , "At least it doesn't|look operational yet..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO3X6 , "And here's the welcoming committee!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X1 , "Hah!|Is that the best|you can do?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X2 , "You big pushover!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X3 , "Now you've made it mad!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X4 , "Shields up! Shields up!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X5 , "Captain, she's breaking up!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X6 , "A black hole!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X7 , "Be careful!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO4X8 , "Oh no!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO5X1 , "Solar System" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO5X2 , "Who knows where you'll end up?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO5X3 , "You are here" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO5X4 , "100,000 light years" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO5X5 , "D'oh!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X1 , "As our hero emerges at the|far side of our galaxy..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X2 , "...one thought torments his mind..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X3 , "I'm hungry...!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X4 , "No! Not that!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X5 , "The Yolk-Star™, remember?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X6 , "We need to get back|before the chickens finish it..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X7 , "...or the Earth|as we know it is TOAST!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X8 , "Ah... right!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X9 , "Let's do it!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X10 , "GO! GO! GO!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEINTRO6X11 , "You're going the wrong way!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST1 , "Are you lost again?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST2 , "What? Oh no, no.|Of course not." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST3 , "It's simply that|I don't have the slightest|idea about where I am|or where I'm going." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST4 , "I'm sure you'll figure it out!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST5 , "You're the hero after all!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST6 , "I have complete faith in you!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST7 , "Yeap..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENELOST8 , "We're doomed." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE1X1 , "Meanwhile..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE1X2 , "Back in our Solar System..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE1X3 , "Pizza delivery!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE1X4 , "Here we are,|one large special pizza|with extra tender chunks|of grilled chicken breast!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE1X5 , "No, wait!|Wrong address!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE1X6 , "Whoops!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE2X1 , "Meanwhile..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE2X2 , "Back in our Solar System..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE2X3 , "It looks like the chickens|have been busy..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE2X4 , "Construction is moving ahead|at full speed and under budget!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE2X5 , "Earth's days are numbered!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE2X6 , "Hurry!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE3X1 , "Meanwhile..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE3X2 , "Back in our Solar System..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE3X3 , "Oh no!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE3X4 , "The Yolk-Star™ is almost complete!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE3X5 , "Once it's operational,|Earth won't stand a chance!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE3X6 , "You're the only hope|against total chicken domination!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE3X7 , "You MUST hurry back!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X1 , "Uh-oh!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X2 , "The Yolk-Star™!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X3 , "It'll be operational|in a matter of hours!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X4 , "You can barely make it in time!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X5 , "Fire up your afterburners..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X6 , "...blaze through each planet..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X7 , "...and get here, NOW!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMEANWHILE4X8 , "You have an omelette to cook!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS1 , "Typical!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS2 , "You wash your windshield|and a huge fiery meteor|smashes into it the next day!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS3 , "Why do I even bother?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS4 , "Hey, did you feel that?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS5 , "What?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS6 , "That rumble..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS7 , "It's almost as if..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEMETEORS8 , "RUN!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAP1 , "ZZZzzz..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAP2 , "!!!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAP3 , "WAKE UP!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAP4 , "Hmpf!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X1 , "Come back here, you big bully!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X2 , "Let us avert our eyes from|this brief yet intense scene|of extreme violence..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X3 , "- INSTANT REPLAY -" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X4 , "YOU DID IT!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X5 , "Finally!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X6 , "NOW can we eat?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X7 , "Congratulations!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X8 , "You have defeated the Yolk-Star™!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X9 , "The future of chicken burgers|is safe once again!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X10 , "Oh - Earth, too!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X11 , "Ah... home, sweet home!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X12 , "But first thing's first..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X13 , "Right, where were we?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X14 , "I'll have the|double chicken-burger|with extra cheese...|and pickles." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X15 , "Also, your family-sized|bucket of chicken-wings..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X16 , "...a chicken salad,|hold the mayo|and the salad..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X17 , "...two thick slices of your chicken pie..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X18 , "...no, make that three..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X19 , "...your chicken casserole special..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X20 , "...your supreme baked chicken breasts..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X21 , "And so, we leave our hero|to rest in his laurels..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X22 , "... until his world-saving|abilities are needed again..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWIN1X23 , "But that's another story." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO11 , "Congratulations!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO21 , "You're off to a great start!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO22 , "Guns blazing, feathers flying everywhere..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO23 , "Woo-hoo!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO31 , "But there's no time to lose!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO32 , "Even as we speak, the chickens are busy" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO33 , "constructing the Yolk-Star™" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO34 , "at full speed and under budget!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO41 , "Will you manage to return in time?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO42 , "Will you defeat the Yolk-Star™?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO43 , "Will you finally have lunch?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO51 , "Order the full version today" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENEWINDEMO52 , "and find out!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGTITLE , "Save the World!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGBUTTONORDER , "Order full version now!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGBUTTONCLOSE , "\x02 Close" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGBUTTONNEXT1 , " Yes, show me! \x0A" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGBUTTONNEXT2 , " Tell me more! \x0A" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGBUTTONNEXT3 , " More! More! \x0A" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGBUTTONNEXT4 , " Yes, there's more! \x0A" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGBUTTONNEXT5 , " Unbelievable! \x0A" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED1 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED2 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED3 , "Wow, you've played this game" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED4 , "for over 60 minutes in total!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED5 , "Impressive!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED6 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED7 , "We certainly hope you've enjoyed this short demo." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED8 , "It's now time to take it to the next level" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAGEXPIRED9 , "by ordering the full version!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X1 , "Do you like the game so far?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X2 , "Did you know you're only playing" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X3 , "a short and feature-limited demo version?" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X4 , "You still haven't seen anything!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X5 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X6 , "Let's take a tour of the full version!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X7 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X8 , "Once you've seen what lies in store," ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X9 , "you'll realize that your Chicken Invaders" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG1X10 , "adventure has only just begun!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X1 , "Let's see what the full version has to offer..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X2 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X3 , "\x01 Journey to 12 star systems" ) // \x01 is the checkmark (tick) character LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X4 , "\x01 Fight through 120 waves of invading chickens" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X5 , "\x01 Discover 6 awesome weapons (plus a secret one!)" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X6 , "\x01 Upgrade weapons through 12 power levels" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X7 , "\x01 Collect 30 unique bonuses" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X8 , "\x01 Acquire 13 medals" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X9 , "\x01 Unlock 7 secret features" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG2X10 , "\x01 And of course... save the world!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X1 , "That's just for starters... there's much more!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X2 , "The full version also comes jam-packed with extra" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X3 , "features that you will never find in the demo!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X4 , "\x01 Cheat codes" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X5 , "\x01 Unlimited gameplay" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X6 , "\x01 Expanded documentation" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X7 , "\x01 Weapons guides \x01 Item guides" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X8 , "\x01 Boss guides \x01 Medals guides" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG3X9 , "\x01 Unlockables guides \x01 Hints & tips" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X1 , "Saving the world can be a lonely business..." ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X2 , "That's why the full version is stuffed to the brim" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X3 , "with wonderful community features!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X4 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X5 , "\x01 World-wide high score tables" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X6 , "\x01 Country leaderboard" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X7 , "\x01 Career medals and statistics" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X8 , "\x01 Cooperative 4-player games" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG4X9 , "\x01 LAN, Friends, and Internet multiplayer" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X1 , "Once you've ordered the full version and" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X2 , "have become a registered chicken-hunter," ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X3 , "you also get access to the exclusive set of" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X4 , "InterAction studios' premium benefits:" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X5 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X6 , "\x01 Your registration NEVER expires!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X7 , "\x01 FREE version upgrades!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X8 , "\x01 FREE special editions of the game!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X9 , "\x01 FREE language packs!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG5X10 , "\x01 FREE and unlimited support!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X1 , "You've done a great job so far," ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X2 , "but the best is yet to come!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X3 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X4 , "Don't let those chickens get away with it!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X5 , "Order the full version today and show them" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X6 , "who's the dominant species on this planet!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X7 , "The future of chicken burgers is in your hands!" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X8 , "" ) LANGUAGE_( CUTSCENENAG6X9 , "Make mankind proud!" ) // Things said by spaceship pilot LANGUAGE_( BUBBLEFIREATWILL , "Fire at will!" ) LANGUAGE_( BUBBLECHICKENS , "Chickens!" ) LANGUAGE_( BUBBLEMONEYBACK , "What?!... I want my money back!" ) LANGUAGE_( BUBBLESTAYOUT , "...and STAY out!" ) // Wave descriptions // Waves with multiple lines are denoted by the same prefix (for example WAVEMISSILESTRIKE and WAVEMISSILESTRIKEB) // A lot of descriptions are idiomatic. This section can be translated more freely than the rest. LANGUAGE_( WAVEX , "Wave %d" ) // %d will be substituted with the wave number LANGUAGE_( WAVECAROUSEL , "Chicken Carousel" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEHARMONICS , "Chicken Harmonics" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVECHICKENWAVE , "The chicken \"wave\"!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVESURROUNDED , "We're surrounded!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEACROBATICS , "Chicken Acrobatics" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEREINFORCEMENTS , "Reinforcements" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETERMINATORS , "Terminator Chickens" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETERMINATORSB , "They'll stop at nothing!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEGEOMETRY , "Chicken Geometry" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVESQUAREDANCING , "Chicken Square Dancing" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEHUDDLE , "Do the Chicken Huddle!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEMISSILESTRIKE , "Inbound Missile Strike" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEMISSILESTRIKEB , "Take cover!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEEGGDRONEA , "Caution:" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEEGGDRONE , "Entering egg-drone minefield!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEBALLOON , "Pop till they drop!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVESAUCERS , "Close Encounters" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEEGGSHIPSIN , "Eggships approaching from behind!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEEGGSHIPFLYBY , "Eggship fly-by" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVECLOSEDA , "This wave is currently" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVECLOSED , "CLOSED FOR RENOVATION" ) // All caps LANGUAGE_( WAVECLOSEDB , "Please visit again soon!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEASTEROIDS , "Asteroids" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEASTEROIDSB , "Ah, it's the obligatory asteroid wave!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCHICKENA , "Show 'em who's boss!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSUCOA , "U.C.O.* encounter!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSUCOA2 , "* Unidentified Chicken Object" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSHEN , "Blast from the past" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSHEN2 , "It's the Mother-Hen ship!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCLOTHESA , "It gets cold in space..." ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCLOTHESA2 , "...let's turn up the heat!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSUCOB , "Another U.C.O. sighting!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSUCOB2 , "It's definitely hostile!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSMYSTERY1 , "What's this?" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSMYSTERY , "A mysterious ship approaches..." ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCHICKENB , "Congratulations, they're twins!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSUCOC , "Close Encounters" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSUCOC2 , "...of the chicken kind!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCLOTHESB , "Is it hot in here?" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCLOTHESB2 , "... or is it just me?" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCHICKENC , "Attack of the Clones!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSUCOD , "U.C.O. approaching!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSCLOTHESC , "You can leave your hat on!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSYOLK , "The Yolk-Star™!" ) LANGUAGE_( BOSSYOLK2 , "Now you'll pay for everything!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVESOBEGINS , "So begins your adventure..." ) LANGUAGE_( WAVECLASSICINVASION , "Classic Invasion" ) // Must be consecutive // Most of these are idiomatic expressions LANGUAGE_( WAVEDOUBLE0 , "\"It takes two, baby\"" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEDOUBLE1 , "Double Trouble" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEDOUBLE2 , "Two birds with one stone!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEDOUBLE3 , "Two's company..." ) // Expression continues in WAVETREBLE3 below LANGUAGE_( WAVEDOUBLE4 , "Two of a kind" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEDOUBLE5 , "A bird in the hand..." ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEDOUBLEB , "More than meets the eye!" ) // Must be consecutive // Most of these are idiomatic expressions LANGUAGE_( WAVETREBLE0 , "Third time's a charm" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETREBLE1 , "Treble Trouble" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETREBLE2 , "Three strikes and you're out!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETREBLE3 , "...three's a crowd!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETREBLE4 , "All good things come in threes" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETREBLE5 , "One, two, and... three!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVETREBLEB , "Try saying that three times fast!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEENCOUNTER , "Deep space encounter" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEENROUTE , "En route to" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEWARP , "Warp 9.%d" ) // %d will be substituted with another numeric digit LANGUAGE_( WAVEWARPB , "She can't take much more of this, captain!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEINCOMING , "Incoming!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEINCOMING2A , "Hang in there!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEINCOMING2B , "Last one!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPASSINGTHROUGH , "Now passing through" ) // Must be consecutive LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET0 , "Pluto" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET1 , "Neptune" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET2 , "Uranus" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET3 , "Saturn" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET4 , "Jupiter" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET5 , "Mars" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET6 , "Earth" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANET7 , "Venus" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANETMERCURY , "Mercury" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEPLANETSUN , "Sun" ) // Never used (overridden by boss fight) LANGUAGE_( WAVEWOOHOO , "Woo-hoo!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEBONUS , "Bonus Challenge!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEOUTSTANDING , "Outstanding!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVESYSTEMCLEAR , "System Clear!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVESYSTEMCLEARB , "Prepare for warp!" ) LANGUAGE_( WAVEEXCELLENT , "Excellent!" ) LANGUAGE_( GAMEOVER , "Game Over!" ) // Tips (appear at the bottom of the screen during the game) LANGUAGE_( TIPNEWUNLOCKABLES , "New unlockables are now available!" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPZOMBIE1 , "You have lost all your lives." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPZOMBIE2 , "Press fire to play along (your score won't increase)." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPCHAT , "Press %s to chat with other players" ) // %s will be substituted with the chat key LANGUAGE_( TIPFLYAROUND , "Use your mouse or keyboard (%s, %s, %s, %s) to fly around!" ) // %s will be substituted with the movemement keys LANGUAGE_( TIPAUTOFIRE1 , "Tip: Tap the fire button for single shots," ) LANGUAGE_( TIPAUTOFIRE2 , "or hold it down for continuous fire." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPMISSILES1 , "Tip: Collect food items to earn missiles." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPMISSILES2 , "Launch missiles by right-clicking or pressing %s." ) // %s will be substituted with the missile key LANGUAGE_( TIPOVERHEAT1 , "Tip: Automatic fire overheats faster" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPOVERHEAT2 , "than firing each shot manually." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPWEAKNESS1 , "Tip: Bosses have strengths or weaknesses" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPWEAKNESS2 , "against particular weapons. Experiment!" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPSLOWFIRE1 , "Tip: Automatic fire is slow with certain weapons." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPSLOWFIRE2 , "Firing manually can be much faster." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPUCO1 , "Tip: The U.C.O. always fires in a specific pattern." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPUCO2 , "Study it and wait for your opportunity!" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPHEN1 , "Tip: The Mother-Hen ship's fire is periodic." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPHEN2 , "Move away when it's about to fire!" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPMYSTERY1 , "Tip: The mysterious ship may spin," ) LANGUAGE_( TIPMYSTERY2 , "but it always fires straight down." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPCOMETSA1 , "Tip: Moving to the top of the screen" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPCOMETSA2 , "will give you more time to avoid incoming comets." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPCOMETSB , "Tip: Comet tails are harmless." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPCOMETSC1 , "Tip: When you run into a dead end," ) LANGUAGE_( TIPCOMETSC2 , "use missiles to clear your path." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPYOLKA1 , "Tip: The energy beam guns can't be damaged." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPYOLKA2 , "Concentrate your fire on the main shell." ) LANGUAGE_( TIPYOLKB1 , "Tip: Use your missiles to clear the waves" ) LANGUAGE_( TIPYOLKB2 , "of supporting chickens as soon as they appear." ) // DRM-related LANGUAGE_( DRMGAMENAME , "Chicken Invaders 3" ) LANGUAGE_( DRMTEXT1 , "Order the full game today to remove all trial restrictions" ) LANGUAGE_( DRMTEXT2 , "and enjoy playing for an unlimited amount of time!" ) LANGUAGE_( DRMBUYNOW , "Order full game!" ) LANGUAGE_( DRMPLAYTRIAL , "Play trial" ) LANGUAGE_( DRMTIMEREMAINING , "Trial remaining:" ) LANGUAGE_( DRMUNLOCK , "Unlock..." ) LANGUAGE_( DRMSERIALTEXT1 , "Please enter your serial number below." ) LANGUAGE_( DRMSERIALTEXT2 , "If you don't have a serial number," ) LANGUAGE_( DRMSERIALTEXT3 , "you can get one by ordering the full game." ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // iOS-related // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Menu system LANGUAGE_( IOS_IALEGAL1 , "InterAction studios, the InterAction studios logo," ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_IALEGAL2 , "%s, and the %s logo are trademarks of Betacom, S.A." ) // %s will be substituted with game name LANGUAGE_( IOS_LOADING , "Loading..." ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_CANCEL , "Cancel" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_PRIVACYPOLICY , "Privacy Policy" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_TERMSOFUSE , "Terms of Use" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_CLICKTOCHANGEPLAYERS , "Tap here to change players." ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_PRESSXKEYTOCONTINUE , "Tap to continue" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_NONETWORK , "Network connection is not available. Please check your network connection." ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_NONETWORKADS , "Advertisements must be enabled in order to continue playing. Please check your internet connection." ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_RATENOW , "Rate now!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_REVIEWNOW , "Write a Review" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_MOREGAMES , "Free Games" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_SUPPORT , "Support" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_GAMECENTER , "Game Center" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_RESETGAME , "Reset Game" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_PROGRESSLOST , "All your progress will be lost!" ) // Displayed when IOS_RESETGAME is selected LANGUAGE_( IOS_SNEAKPEEK , "More games:" ) // Used for upsells to other games // Upsell-related LANGUAGE_( IOS_UNLOCKFULLVERSION , "Unlock Now!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_UNLOCKNOW , "Unlock Now!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_PLEASEWAIT , "Please Wait..." ) // Displayed while unlocking is processed LANGUAGE_( IOS_LATER , "Later" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_ALREADYPURCHASED , "Already Purchased?" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_NAGTITLE , "Unlock the Full Version Now!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_NAGBULLET1 , "\x01 Journey to 12 massive|galactic star systems!" ) // \x01 is the checkmark/tick symbol LANGUAGE_( IOS_NAGBULLET2 , "\x01 Fight through 120 waves of invading chickens|to the final confrontation!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_NAGBULLET3 , "\x01 Collect all 30 bonuses and 13 medals|on your way to glory!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_NAGBULLET4 , "\x01 Upgrade your weapon through 12 power levels!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_NAGBULLETNOADS , "\x01 No advertisements!" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_GDPR1 , "Advertisements help us keep this game free." ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_GDPR2 , "Our Privacy Policy explains how your information is processed in order to show you appropriate ads." ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_GDPR_WITHADS , "Play FREE with ads" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_GDPR_NOADS , "Unlock game to remove ads" ) // Menu system (game-specific) LANGUAGE_( IOS_SENSITIVITY , "Dragging sensitivity" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_ENUMSENSITIVITY0 , "Low" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_ENUMSENSITIVITY1 , "Standard" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_ENUMSENSITIVITY2 , "High" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_ENUMSENSITIVITY3 , "Very high" ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_ENUMSENSITIVITY4 , "Maximum" ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLMETHODCHANGE , "You can change the control method through the \"Options\" menu." ) LANGUAGE_( CONTROLMETHOD , "Control method" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMCONTROLMETHOD0 , "Touch" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMCONTROLMETHOD1 , "Drag" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMCONTROLMETHOD0DESC , "Your spaceship follows your finger on the screen." ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMCONTROLMETHOD1DESC , "Your spaceship mimics your dragging motions,|but doesn't follow your finger." ) LANGUAGE_( FIRINGMETHOD , "Firing mode" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD0 , "Automatic" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD1 , "Fire button (left)" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD2 , "Fire button (right)" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD3 , "Two fingers" ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD0DESC , "Touching the screen automatically fires.|Fire faster by tapping manually." ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD1DESC , "Press the on-screen button to fire.|Fire faster by tapping manually." ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD2DESC , "Press the on-screen button to fire.|Fire faster by tapping manually." ) LANGUAGE_( ENUMFIRINGMETHOD3DESC , "Touch the screen with a second finger to fire.|Fire faster by tapping manually." ) LANGUAGE_( UNLOCKABLESDESC , "\"Unlockables\" are special features that become progressively unlocked each time you complete the entire game. Three of them can be gained when playing on \"Rookie\" difficulty, three on \"Veteran\", and one on \"Superstar Hero\"." ) // In-game LANGUAGE_( IOS_TIPMISSILES2 , "Launch missiles by pressing the \"missile\" button." ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_TIPAUTOFIRE1 , "Tip: Tap the screen for single shots," ) LANGUAGE_( IOS_TIPAUTOFIRE2 , "or hold your finger down for continuous fire." ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Steam-related // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Menu system LANGUAGE_( STEAM_LOBBYBROWSER , "Game Browser" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_LOBBYHOST , "Game Host" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_LOBBYPLAYERSLOTS , "Players" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_LOBBYWAVE , "Wave" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_LOBBYDIFFICULTY , "Difficulty" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_REFRESH , "\x0B Refresh" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_ENDOFLIST , "End of list" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_CREATENEWGAME , "\x10 Create new game" ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_NETMANAGERCREATESERVER , "Creating game server..." ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_NETMANAGERCREATELOBBY , "Creating lobby..." ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_NETMANAGERJOINLOBBY , "Joining lobby..." ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_ERRORCREATELOBBY , "Failed to create lobby: %s." ) // %s will be substituted with the error text LANGUAGE_( STEAM_ERRORJOINLOBBY , "Failed to join lobby: %s." ) // %s will be substituted with the error text LANGUAGE_( STEAM_PRESENSEMENUS , "In menus." ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_PRESENSESINGLEPLAYER , "Playing single-player." ) LANGUAGE_( STEAM_PRESENSEMULTIPLAYER , "Playing multi-player." ) // Android QA credits LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B1 , "Sophie Alex" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B2 , "Mahmoud Ahmed" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B3 , "Kis Balázs" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B4 , "Martin Drapala" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B5 , "Daniel Dunay" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B6 , "Yarutkin Evgeniy" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B7 , "Patrick Harvey" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B8 , "Gerren Jones" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B9 , "Darriel Kremov" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B10 , "Petersen Liman" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B11 , "Alton Low" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B12 , "Lorenzo Della Morte" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B13 , "Jason Newby" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B14 , "Van Thanh Nguyen" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B15 , "Dean Rosolen" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B16 , "Farid Shamani" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B17 , "Siddarth Srigokul" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B18 , "Majid Tabandeh" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B19 , "Nguyen Duc Viet" ) LANGUAGE_( ANDROID_CREDITS10B20 , "William Montgomery Walters" ) // clang-format on // ---------------- (adjacent line toggles clang-format; do not modify)